It is about time to present a couple of photographs sent in by Fuji Love readers. After receiving your comments and e-mail messages, I have decided to get back to the original idea: I will keep presenting the selected photo submissions in the main feed of the website. And I will do it every Saturday. Let’s have a look at today’s images.
The photograph above, titled “Sunrise at work” comes from Stéphane Monard ( Stéphane took it using his Fujifilm X-T1 and XF 27m f/2.8 lens.
“My office is near by the the lake of Neuchâtel and during winter time as the sunrise is late, you can expect some great colors just looking outside the window…”
The next image, taken with the X100S, came in from Danny Fernandez (
“After a long day exploring the Taj Mahal (in Agra, India), I headed to a roof top to have a beer while I waited for my train. As the dusk settled, I was watching the world pass. I noticed a young girl doing the same. I think the image displays a moment of peace, in a hectic place.”
Jacek Haratym submitted a photograph he took using his X-T1 and XF 18-55mm lens in Kristiansand, Norway.
“It is a photo taken in August 2014 during my motorcycle trip to Norway. Kristiansund is a town on the Atlantic Road, above the Arctic Circle. Photo taken in the evening. I wanted to show amazing, unique Norwegian blue of the sky, reflecting in the waves and white buildings, which remain in strong contrast with the background. The dominant theme of this picture will be the blue color, broken through the white buildings.”
Patrick Downs sent in an image called “Arc of a Diver” taken with Fujifilm X100T.
“A diver arcs up from a pillar on Sugar Dock, on the beach in Saipan, N. Marianas Islands (a US protectorate). The dock is a popular local swimming spot on the island.”
And finally, a photograph titled “The end of Autumn” taken by David George with his X-T1 and XF 35mm f/1.4 lens.
“I travelled to one of my favourite places in the Peak distict UK to take this picture and had clambered down to get a new angle on the waterfall, I wanted to blur the water but only had a big stopper so ended up with an exposure of 30s at f8 and ISO3200. The resulting shot isn’t perfect but is one of my favourites, the way the X-T1 holds colours at high ISO is superb. Edited in Lightroom with quite aggressive shadow treatment which I’m amazed the file stood up to.”
Do you want to see your photo published on FujiLove?
Go ahead and submit your image right here.