FujiLove Magazine

FujiLove Magazine – March 2018

· 3.March.2018

Our March issue is a particularly special one. We have decided to mark this year’s International Women’s Day (8th March) by celebrating our female colleagues and having an all-female issue of FujiLove Magazine this month. Yep, that’s right…every single one of our March article contributors are women!

Now, I realised something incredibly interesting while helping to put this issue together. We frequently get many, many article submissions from people offering ideas for articles that they’d like to write for FujiLove, which is wonderful for us since we get to connect with people that we probably would otherwise not have. And yet, in all my time in my role as Content Manager for FujiLove, I cannot recall us ever having had an outside submission from a woman. Not one.

Any time we’ve published an article written by one of our wonderful female colleagues, it’s because we already have an established relationship with them or because we’ve approached them and asked them to write an article for us. It definitely got me thinking about women and photography in general, and whether there is an innate lack of females participating in the industry or whether they are just not as willing to put themselves forward for things like article submissions. I have concluded it must be the latter since I know of many, many incredible female photographers! Thankfully, some of the women in March’s issue have enlightened me further on the whole male vs female discussion, with some very thoughtful pieces on the issue, as well as some wonderful articles on completed unrelated, but equally inspiring, topics.

First up is Bobbi Lane, who considers whether there is a difference between the male and female ‘photographic eye’, using her many years of experience in the industry as evidence.

Victoria Wright provides us with a visual feast for the eyes, along with tips and tricks for capturing snowy landscapes, having photographed her beloved Pacific Northwest in winter time. Following nicely on from that is Maria Sahai, who shares with us exactly why the unlikely XF100-400mm lens is her favourite for photographing landscapes.

Chio Fernández thoughtfully considers the gender imbalance in the industry, the different point of view that women can bring as photographers and how women can beat the fear of putting themselves forward more. Meanwhile, Elena Givone shares with us her recent project, ‘Scent of Life’, an artistic series of newborn portraits that aims to raise awareness to the hidden problem of ‘assisted violence’ of minors in cases of domestic abuse.

Using her own photographic superpowers and her voice, Karen Hutton is offering help and advice in order to encourage others to grasp their artistic vision, so that they will be able to inject their own unique voice into their art. She’s even recorded an audio version of her article, which brings something quite powerful when you listen to her written text as the spoken word.

This month, we’re speaking to Jennifer Tonetti Spellman, an incredibly talented street photographer based in NYC. We discuss her recent shift towards street shooting, as well as her exciting venture into photography education. Rounding off our all-female issue is myself, Stephanie Baxter, where I ponder the merits of the absolute powerhouse that is the X70.

Happy reading!

March 2018 edition of FujiLove Magazine is now available for download in the Subscriber Area.

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