FujiLove Magazine

FujiLove Magazine – April 2018

· 8.April.2018

Hello FujiLovers! Here in the UK, the change of the clocks at the end of March to Daylight Savings has been a wonderful mood-lifter…now if only the weather could improve and actually start to behave like its spring! As ever, we have a wonderful issue of FujiLove Magazine for you!

Providing our cover for us this month is Kevin Mullins, whose accompanying article on the importance of documenting your own family is extremely thought-provoking. It’s wonderful to see how he uses the X Series cameras to record the everyday moments of his own family life and is certain to inspire you to do the same.

Jeff Carter, meanwhile, has been testing the newly-released X-H1 for sports photography, putting it through its paces for capturing motor racing, ice hockey and rugby! Continuing the X-H1 theme is Peter Delaney, who demonstrates the merits of the camera for wildlife photography, with some absolutely stunning images from a recent safari.

Next up is Ritesh Ghosh, who shares his experiences in Varanasi documenting the lifestyle of the children living and studying in an ashram school, while Jonas Rask continues his Lens Guide with the XF27mmF2.8, the final prime lens for him to look at in the Fujifilm lineup.

Olaf Sztaba also continues his series, ‘Simplicity in Seeing’ this month, with a discussion about how taking risks in your photography is necessary in order to progress as an artist. Taking to the streets of Berlin, meanwhile, is Tarik Ahmet, who shows just what results can be achieved with just one, fixed-lens camera: the X100F.

This month’s interview is with Liz Stavrinides, an animal portrait and lifestyle photographer, and advocate for rescue dogs. We discuss, among other things, her current book Miracle Dogs Rescue Stories, as well as another upcoming book project for which she is using the GFX 50S.

We also have a brand news series starting in this issue courtesy of Jens Krauer, who is going to be teaching us all about street photography. In his first instalment, Jens explores how taking a leap of faith can be crucial to your art. Rounding up the issue is Jason Ryan, who takes us through his journey as a photojournalist, and how the X Series now plays a fundamental role in his work.

Happy reading!

April 2018 edition of FujiLove Magazine is now available for download in the Subscriber Area.

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