So, you have been photographing for a while? Then you know THE pattern for sure. Lightroom library is getting full of unedited images, you have been busy for several weeks. Your inner photographer’s guilt is growing. And still, you can’t break it. The cameras are sleeping in the bag. Hundreds of ideas are slowly getting really uncomfortable in your head. But there is one little problem: you are NOT taking pictures.
There are all possible excuses to choose from. Too busy, the weather is not good enough, you need that newer f/2.0 lens, you should rate and edit the photos you already have on your hard drive… Ok, ok! It’s all ok, the guilt is pushed back into the dark corner of your mind again. But not for long. Next time you see somebody else taking photographs you feel horrible again. Guaranteed.
To be honest, I have felt exactly like this for the last couple of weeks. And yesterday… it had been ENOUGH. I had to photograph again. In the middle of all other possible tasks I just made my way to my camera bag, opened it up, went for the X-T1, which happened to have the 18-55mm lens mounted on it and started looking around. It took me one minute to end up with the photograph you are looking at above. It was just there, in my own living room – the light was making its magic.
This situation was such a beautiful reminder that…
[bctt tweet=”…the photographs are all around you”]
Everywhere and at all times. It is just up to us to take the camera in our hand and start looking. And trust me, it felt so incredibly refreshing and so incredibly right.
Fuji X cameras make it easy: they are small, light, easy to carry around. Don’t let yourself sink into creative block. It is a pity to let the opportunities just pass away.
“Living Room”, X-T1, XF 18-55mm f/2.8-4.0 R, f/6.4, 1/300 sec, ISO 200